6-4-15 Turbo Training
“Row Sprint 40’s” Work through the list of work below as fast as possible, stopping every 3 minutes to Row 250m. 35min Cap. 40 KB Clean & Press 40 Shotguns 40 DB Step Ups 40 Box Push Ups 40 Wallballs
6-4-15 CrossFit
No Strength/Skill Today. WOD: 4 Rounds. 40min Cap. 500m Row 10 KB Swings (Sc) 35/24 (Rx) 44/35 (Rx+) 53/44 10 DB Snatch (Sc) 15/10 (Rx) 25/15 (Rx+) 35/25 10 DB Thruster ^ ^ ^ Run 400m 10 Push Ups 10ea Alt DB Row ^ ^ ^ 10 BirdDog Planks
6-3-15 Turbo Training
“Jump Rope Jamboree” 35min Cap 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 DB Squat Cleans 25 DB Press 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 KB Swings 25 KB Goblet Squats 50 Jump Rope Singles 25ea Flutter Kicks 25ea Mountain Climbers 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 Tuck Jumps 25 Supermans 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 MB Kickbacks 25 MB […]
6-3-15 CrossFit
Strength: Jerk 5×3 WOD: 5 Rounds. 25min Cap. 20 Box Blasts (Sc) 20/16 (Rx) 24/20 6 Jerks (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/75 (Rx+) 135/95 10 Front Rack Lunges (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/75 (Rx+) 135/95 10 T2B
5-29-15 Turbo Training
“Mix Bag” 7 min AMRAP 10 Over head walking Lunge w/ plate 10 Hollow Rocks 30 Jump Rope singles Rest 2 min 7 min EMOM 5 KB Clean and Press 5 Burpees Rest 2 min 7 min to complete 30 Pull Ups/Ring Rows 40 AbMat Sit Ups 50 Air Squats Then with no rest… Run […]
5-29-15 CrossFit
Skill: Muscle Up Practice WOD: “Nate” 20min AMRAP: 2 MU 4 HSPU 8 KB Swings (Sc) 44/32 (Rx) 70/53 Notes: Substitute for Muscle Ups is 3 pull ups and 3 ring dips per rep. The Hand Stand Push Up substitute is wall walks. If able to kick up and control ones self upside down, a […]
5-28-15 Turbo Training
New Format! “Laps and Ladders” Run 400m 4 lengths on the ladder: 2 in each w/ high knee 30 Broad Jumps 30 V-Ups Run 400m 4 lengths on the ladder: 2 in each lateral 30 Pike Push Ups 30ea Alt DB Row Run 400m 4 lengths on the ladder: 2 in 2 out linear 30 […]
5-28-15 CrossFit
20min to Complete 10 HSPU 20ea KB Rows 30 Kb Swings (Sc) 35/24 (Rx)44/35 (Rx+) 70/53 40 AbMat Sit Ups 50 DB Thrusters (Sc) 15/10 (Rx) 25/15 (Rx+) 35/35 Rest as needed. Then…. SPRINTS!! 5-10-15 yard Shuttle x8
5-27-15 Turbo Training
Descending Rounds Format 5 Rounds 10 DB Clean 10 DB Push Press 10 DB Plank Row 4 Rounds 10 Wallballs 10 Kickbacks on MB 10 MB Slams 3 Rounds 10 Step Ups 10 Push Ups on Box 10 Hollow Rocks 2 Rounds 10 Lateral Lunge 10 Burpees 10 Shotguns 1 Round Run 800m or Row […]
5-27-15 CrossFit
SuperSets! #1 4×3 Jerk 4×6 Tempo Push Up ( 4×6 Leg Raise w/ MB #2 4x5ea Step Ups 4x5ea DB/KB Strict Press 4×5 Strict Pull Up (weight if able)