A Therapy for the Ages
Imagine a natural therapy that improves athletic performance, speeds up recuperation and injury repair, and lowers body fat. That same treatment also aids in alleviating depression, anxiousness and sleep deprivation. No drugs, no meds. Now imagine that all of these benefits are attainable with Ice Bath Therapy at practically negligible cost. The use of water […]
2016 CrossFit Games
The 2016 CrossFit Games Open Is Upon Us! Have you signed up for the Open yet? CrossFitters around Los Angeles, California, the US and around the world are all preparing as the Open approaches us in less than a month ! The Open is the first in a three part series to find the fittest […]
Flexibility Versus Mobility
Flexibility Versus Mobility Flexibility: Length of a muscle and its ability to lengthen Mobility: Strength, stability, and range of motion at a joint and through movement. How Does This Relate to Us: Although someone may be flexible, that doesn’t mean that they have the mobility thorough a range of motion to complete a proper and […]
Athlete of the Month Vivian Martinez
Athlete of the Month Vivian Martinez Why did you get started in CrossFit? For a variety of reasons. The weekend hikes, softball games and occasional mile jogs were just not giving me the health results I needed. Because the first class which happened to be a Team WOD nearly had me in tears but I […]
7-31-15 Turbo Training
2x15min AMRAP 10 Box Jumps 10 Box Push Ups 10 Burpees 50 Jump Rope Singles Rest 3 min 10 KB Swings 10 Single Arm KB Deadlift 10 Jumping Pull Ups 50 Jump Rope Singles
7-31-15 CrossFit
“Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds: 50 Air Squats 7 Muscle Ups 10 Hang Power Cleans (Sc) 95/65 (Rx) 135/95 Notes: Muscle Up sub is 2 pull ups, 2 ring dips, and 2 ring rows per rep.
7-30-15 Turbo Training
20:20:20 Format #2 Perform each movement for 20 seconds. 6 Rounds of each movements set before moving on to the run. 20 DB Thrusters 20 DB Plank Rows 20 Push Ups Run 400m 20 Planks 20 R Planks 20 L Planks Run 400m 20 Wallballs 20 MB Sit Ups w/Reach 20 Burpees Run 400m
7-30-15 CrossFit
6 Rounds 40min Cap 400m Run 10 Ring Push Ups 10 Thrusters (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 10 Barbell Roll Outs
7-29-15 Turbo Training
20-10-5 Format. 35min Cap 20 DB Goblet Squats 10 Leg Raises 5ea DB Push Up w/ Row 20 Leg Raises 20 Goblet Squats Run 400m 20 DB Step Ups 10 Ring Rows 5 Burpee Box Jumps 10 Ring Rows 20 DB Step Ups Run 400m 20 Lateral Lunges 10ea Spiderman Planks 5 Wallwalks 10ea Spiderman […]
7-29-15 CrossFit
Strength: Jerk WOD:4 Rounds. Each for time. 2min rest between each. 3 C&J (Sc) 65% (Rx) 75% (Rx+) 85% 20 Wallballs (Sc) 14/10 (Rx) 20/14 20ea Russian Twists 350m Row