5-22-15 Turbo Training
“Plank Party” 30 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of alternating side plank, then 15 seconds of rest. No rest between rounds. 6 Rounds Box Jumps KB Clean & Press Wallballs Jumping Pull Ups MB Sit Up Throws
5-22-15 CrossFit
“Air Force” 20 Thrusters (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 20 Jerks 20 Overhead Squats 20 Front Squats You must complete 4 burpees at the top of every minute.
5-21-15 Turbo Training
20:20:20 Format #2 Perform each movement for 20 seconds. Perform 6 rounds of each movement set before moving on to the run. #1 DB Snatch, DB Push Press, Alt DB Row Run 400m Rest 2 min #2 Jumping Lunge, Shotguns, Air Squats Run 400m Rest 2 min #3 Lateral Lunge, Burpees, Planks Run 400m
5-21-15 CrossFit
Skill: Kipping/Butterfly Practice WOD: 3 Rounds 20 Pull Ups 20 KB Swings (35/24) (Rx) 44/35 (Rx+) 70/53 20 Sit Ups 20 Ring Dips 20 Air Squats 20 Burpees
5-19-15 Turbo Training
15min AMRAP 6 BirdDog Push Ups 8 Box Jumps 10 KB Goblet Squats 12 Sit Ups w/ MB -THEN- SPRINTS!!! 5-10-15 yard shuttle x8 5-10-15 = 5 yards, back, 10 yards, back, 15 yards back. Like suicides.
5-19-15 CrossFit
Strength: Front Squat 5×5 WOD: For time, 30min Cap x5 Muscle Ups x10 HSPU x20ea DB Snatch (Sc) 15/10 (Rx) 25/15 (Rx+) 35/25 x30 Front Rack Lunge (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 x40 MB Sit Up Throws (Sc) 14/10 (Rx) 20/14 x50 KB Clean and Press (Sc) 35/24 (Rx) 44/35 (Rx+) 53/44
5-18-15 Turbo Training
30sec Format 30 seconds of work each movements. 1 min rest between rounds. 5 Rounds: Box Blasts DB Curl and Press DB Step Ups Planks Hops Jumping Pull Ups Pike Push Ups DU Wallballs MB Kickbacks Russian Twists
5-18-15 CrossFit
Strength: Jerk 5×3 WOD: 2x8min AMRAP #1 3 Power Clean (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 3 Jerk 6 Overbox Burpees (Sc) 20in (Rx) 24in (Rx+) Rest 2min #2 10 Wallballs (Sc) 14/10 (Rx) 20/14 (Rx+) 20/14 10 Push Ups 10 T2B
5-15-15 Turbo Training
“Time Limit 30’s” Try to complete all movements in the time period given. If able to complete before time runs out, that is earned rest time. If not, then you stop where you are and move on to the next section. 7min to Compete 30 KB Clean & Press 30 Hand Release Push Up 30 […]
5-15-15 CrossFit
“DT” 5 Rounds 12 DeadLifts (Sc) 115/75 (Rx) 155/95 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Jerks