5-14-15 Turbo Training
3x10min AMRAP #1 10 DB Snatch 10 KB Goblet Squat 20 SA DB OH Walking Lunge 30 Jump Rope Singles Rest 2 min #2 10 Burpee Box Jumps 10 Push Ups 20 AbMat Sit Ups 30 Jump Rope Singles Rest 2 min #3 10 Jumping Lunges 10 Alt DB Press 20 Supine Leg Circles 30 […]
5-14-15 CrossFit
Skill: Double Unders. For those already proficient: 4×30 unbroken. WOD: 4 Rounds: 35min Cap 500m Row 20 Ring Dips 20 Wallballs 20 Burpees 20 DU
5-13-15 Turbo Training
250m Row Format! 40 minute Cap 30 Box Jumps Row 250m 30 Box Push Ups Row 250m 30 DB Thrusters Row 250m 30 KB Swings Row 250m 30 Single Arm KB Row Row 250m 30 Walking Lunge Row 250m 30 Lateral MB Slams Row 250m 30 Russian Twists Row 250m 30 Wallballs
5-13-15 CrossFit
Strength: Back Squat 5×5 16min EMOM Even 6 Thrusters (Sc) 95/65 (Rx) 115/75 (Rx+) 135/95 Odd 6 C2B Pull Ups
5-12-15 Turbo Training
Jump Rope Jamboree! 35min Cap 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 DB Snatches 25 Ring Rows 50 JRS 25 KB Clean & Press 25 Push Up Planks 50 JRS 25 Tuck Jumps 25 Air Squats 50 JRS 25 Burpees 25 Leg Raises 50 JRS 25 Supermans 25 BirdDog Planks 50 JRS
5-12-15 CrossFit
5 Rounds. Not for time. 8 DeadLifts (Sc) 135/95 (Rx) 185/135 (Rx+) 255/185 8 Weighted Chin Ups 8 OH Lunges (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 8 Strict T2B
5-11-15 CrossFit
Strength: Cleans 5×3 WOD: 6 Rounds, 25min Cap 5 Hang Squat Clean (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 115/75 (Rx+) 155/105 5 Barbell Rollouts 10 OTB Burpees
5-7-15 Turbo Training
3 x 10min EMOM #1 5ea DB Snatch 5 V-Ups Rest 1 min #2 7 KB Swings 4 Burpees #3 6 Push Ups 6 Ring Rows
5-7-15 CrossFit
Skill/Strength: Muscle Up Progressions. Warmup Hang Power Clean heavier than WOD weight. WOD: “Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds 50 Air Squats 7 MU 10 Hang Power Cleans (Sc) 95/65 (Rx) 135/96 ( No Rx+)
5-5-15 Turbo Training
“Mix Bag” 7min AMRAP 6 KB Clean & Press 8 Pullups 10 Side Plank w/ Hip Pike Rest 2 min 7min EMOM 5ea Box Blasts 5 V-Ups Rest 2 min 7min to Complete 3 50ft Bear Crawls 30 Knees 2 Elbows 100 Jump Rope Singles Then with no rest Run 800m OR Row 750m