Workout of the Day
4-28-15 CrossFit
Strength: Deadlift > Hang Power Clean > Front Squat Complex. Low rep sets. Warmup heavier than WOD weight. WOD: 5 Rounds. Each for time. Rest 1min between rounds. 6 Deadlifts (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 4 Hang Power Cleans 8 Front Squats 6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
4-27-15 Turbo Training
“10’s” 10 Rounds: 40min Cap 10 Box Jumps 10 KB Goblet Lunge (in place) 10 Burpees 10 Single Arm KB Row
4-27-15 CrossFit
Strength: 5×3 Thrusters WOD: 20min Partner AMRAP 200m Partner Carries (any style) 10 Partner Push Ups 20 Thrusters (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 30 Partner MB Sit Up Throws (Sc) 10/10 (Rx) 14/10 (Rx+) 20/14 500m Rower/Burpees Notes: Partner Push Ups: Partners do a push up facing each other and slap hands at the top. […]
4-24-15 Turbo Training
“Angie” 100 Pull Ups/Ring Rows 100 Push Ups 100 AbMat SitUps 100 Air Squats This may be complete in one of three different ways: #1. In order, as your see it. (hardest) #2. 4 rounds or 25 reps of each movement #3. 10 Rounds of 10 reps of each movement (easiest) Enjoy!
4-24-15 CrossFit
Skill: Double Under Practice. If proficient, 4×30 NFT WOD: Two Girls at One Time!? “Karren” 150 Wallballs (Sc) 14/10 (Rx) 20/14 Rest 5 minutes “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 AbMat Situps Double Unders
4-23-15 Turbo Training
Plank Party! 30 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of alternating side plank, followed by 15 seconds of rest. 1 minute total for each movement. There is no additional rest between rounds. 6 Rounds: Wallballs Kickbacks Push Up w/ Rotation KB OH Walking Lunge Jumping Pull Ups
4-23-15 CrossFit
Strength: Over Head Squat 5×3 WOD: 4 Rounds 30min Cap 5 OH Squat (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 10 Burpee Box Jumps (Sc) 20/16 (Rx) 24/20 (Rx+) 30/24 10 Ring Dips (Sc) Banded 750m Row
4-22-15 Turbo Training
30:30 Format 30 Seconds of work on each movement. 4 rounds of each movement set. Rest 1 min between each set. #1 KB Clean & Press KB Deadlift Alt. SA KB Row #2 KB Swing Air Squat Pike Push Ups #3 Plank R Plank L Plank #4 On the Ladder: 2 in each Linear 2 […]
4-22-15 CrossFit
WarmUp: Ladders! WOD: Supersets: No rest between movements, but rest as needed between sets. Overall, not for time. #1 Snatch 4×3 Push Press 4×3 Weighted Pull Up L-Sit Max Effort #2 Back Squat 4×5 Bench Press 4×5 Barbell Ros 4×5 MB Leg Raise 4×8
4-21-15 Turbo Training
20-16-12 Format: Complete 20, then 16, then 12 reps of ALL THREE movements before moving on to the run. For time: #1 Wallballs Ring Rows Shotguns Run 400m #2 DB Snatch DB Plank Row Supermans Run 400m #3 Burpees Push Ups Hanging Knee Raises Run 400m