4-27-15 CrossFit

Posted April 27, 2015

Strength: 5×3 Thrusters
WOD: 20min Partner AMRAP

200m Partner Carries (any style)
10 Partner Push Ups
20 Thrusters (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95
30 Partner MB Sit Up Throws (Sc) 10/10 (Rx) 14/10 (Rx+) 20/14
500m Rower/Burpees


Partner Push Ups: Partners do a push up facing each other and slap hands at the top.

All reps/distances are split between partners, except for push ups.

All movements are done together except Thrusters.

Rower/Burpee = while partner #1 is rowing, partner #2 must be doing burpees continually. If either partner stops to rest, the other must as well.