Workout of the Day
4-21-15 CrossFit
Skill: Pistols and Rope Climbs WOD: 18min AMRAP 10 HSPU 10 Pistols 2 Rope Climbs
4-20-15 Turbo Training
For Time: 30 Box Jumps Row 250m 30 Goblet Squats Row 250m 30 Box Push Ups Row 250m 30 KB Swings Row 250m 30 Alt. DB Press Row 250m 30 MB Sit Up & Press Row 250m 30 Supermans Row 250m 30 Shotguns Row 250m 30 DU Row 250m 30 Burpees
4-20-15 CrossFit
Strength: Front Squat 5×5 WOD: 4 Rounds 14 Box Blasts 12 KB Swings (Sc)35/24 (Rx) 44/35 (Rx+) 70/53 10 Plyo Push Ups 400m Run
4-18-15 Goliath
“Hammer” 5 Rounds, each for time. 5 Power Cleans (Sc) 95/65 (Rx) 135/95 10 Front Squats 5 Jerks 10 Pull Ups Rest 90 secconds
4-18-15 Turbo Training
“1, 2, 3, Row!” 5 rounds 20 DB Thruster 15 Shotguns 10 Push Ups 500m Row
4-17-15 Turbo Training
“Filthy 50” 40min Cap 50 Box Jumps 50 Jumping Pull Ups 50 KB Swings 50 Walking Lunges 50 Knees 2 Elbows 50 DB Push Press 50 Supermans 50 Wallballs 50 Burpees 50 DU Enjoy!
4-17-15 CrossFit
“Jack” 20min AMRAP 10 Push Press (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 115/75 10 KB Swings (Sc) 35/24 (Rx) 53/44 10 Box Jumps (Sc) 20/16 (Rx) 24/20
4-16-15 Turbo Training
400m Run Format! 40min Cap Run 400m 30 Box Jumps Run 400m 30 DB Step Ups Run 400m 30 Box Push Ups Run 400m 30 DB Thrusters Run 400m 30 DB Plank Row Run 400m 30 MB Sit Up Cradle Run 400m
4-16-15 CrossFit
Max Distance Rower Sprints! 30 Sec Row Sprint Rest 90 Sec Score is total distance covered over 12 Rounds. …I know you don’t like it, but it’s good for you!