6-30-15 Turbo Training
“Jump Rope Jam!” 35min Cap 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 DB Snatch 25 Ring Rows 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 KB Clean & Press 25 Push Up Planks 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 Tuck Jumps 25 Air Squats 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 Burpees 25 Knees 2 Elbows 50 Jump Rope Singles 25 Supermans 25 […]
6-30-15 CrossFit
Strength: Hang Power Snatch 5×3 WOD: 4 Rounds 20 DB Snatch (Sc) 25/15 (Rx) 30/20 (Rx+) 35/25 10 Hand Stand Push Ups 20 KB Swings (Sc) 44/35 (Rx) 53/44 (Rx+) 70/53 250m Row
6-29-15 Turbo Training
“Time Limit 30’s” Complete all movements within the time limit given. If able to complete before the time cap, that is earned rest. If not, move right into the next movement set without any rest. 7min to Complete 30 Box Jumps 30 Box Push Ups 30 Shotguns 7min to Complete 30 DB Clean 30 DB […]
6-29-15 CrossFit
Strength: Back Squat 5×3 WOD: 20-15-10-10-15-20 for time. Box Jumps (Sc) 20/16 (Rx) 24/20 (Rx+) 30/24 Thrusters (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 115/75 Push Ups/Pull Ups Notes: On the way down (20-15-10) do push ups. On the way up (10-15-20) do pull ups.
6-26-15 Turbo Training
20-10-5 Format, 35min Cap 20 DB Step Ups 10 DB Squat Cleans 5ea DB Snatch 10 DB Squat Cleans 20 DB Step Ups 400m Run 20 Leg Raises 10 Ring Dips 5ea Push Up w/ Rotation 10 Ring Dips 20 Leg Raises 400m Run 20 Burpees 10ea Single Arm KB Deadlift (heavy) 5ea Birdog Planks […]
6-25-15 CrossFit
“Blake” 4 Rounds: 100ft Overhead Walking Lunge (Sc) 25/10 (Rx) 45/25 30 Box Jumps (Sc) 24/20 (Rx) 30/24 20 Wallballs (Sc) 14/10 (Rx) 20/14 10 HSPU
6-25-15 Turbo Training
“1, 2, 3, Row!” 4 Rounds: 40min Cap 20 Wallballs 15 Shotguns 10 Pull Ups/ Jumping Pull Ups Row 500m Notes: If you must do Jumping Pull Ups, then you must also do double the reps on those.
6-25-15 CrossFit
Skill: Kipping/Butteryfly Practice. If already proficient, work Chest 2 Bar kipping. WOD: 6 Rounds 30sec ME Rower Sprint 15 KB Swings (Sc) 44/35 (Rx) 53/44 (Rx+) 70/53 8 Pull Ups 8 V-Ups 15 Wallballs (Sc) 14/10 (Rx) 20/14 (Rx+) – Score is time taken to finish + total distance rowed.
6-24-15 Turbo Training
3x10min EMOM #1 5ea Box Blasts 4 Burpees Rest 1min #2 5 DB Squat Clean 6 DB Plank Row Rest 1min #3 7 KB SDHP Jumping Pull Ups
6-24-15 CrossFit
Strength: Clean 5×2 WOD: 5 Rounds. Each for time. 2min rest between round. 6 Clean>Thruster (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 10 T2B 10 Overbox Burpess (Sc) 20/16 (Rx) 24/20 (Rx+) 30/24