7-7-15 Turbo Training
“Plank Party” 30 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of alternating side plank, then 15 seconds of rest. No additional rest rest between rounds. 6 Rounds: Box Jumps KB Swings Leg Raises KB Front Rack Lunge Spiderman Plank
7-7-15 CrossFit
Skill: Pistol Practice! If proficient 3×5 (weight if able) WOD: 12min AMRAP 10 Box Jumps (Sc) 20/16 (Rx) 24/20 (Rx+) 30/24 10 Pistols (Sc) banded (Rx) – (Rx+) 24/18 KB 10 X-Over Push Ups 10 MB Leg Raises (Sc) 10/0 (Rx) 14/0 (Rx+) 20/14
7-6-15 Turbo Training
“Fight Gone Bad” 1 minute of work each movement. 1 minute rest between rounds. 3 Rounds Wallballs KB SDHP Box Jumps Row -THEN- Core Supersets! Strict T2B/K2E 3×8 Supermans 3×20 Multi Direction Leg Raise 3×12
7-6-15 CrossFit
Strength: Deadlift 5×5 WOD: 12min EMOM x3 Deadlift (Sc) 135/95 (Rx) 225/135 (Sc) 315/225 x6 C2B Pull Ups
7-3-15 Turbo Training
“Laps and Ladders” 400m Run 4 Laddes: 2in each w/ high knee 30 Broad Jumps 30 V-Ups 400m Run 4 Laddes: 2in each lateral 30 Spiderman Push Ups 30 Alt DB Row 400m Run 4 Laddes: 2in 2out linear 30 Jumping Lunge 30 BirdDog Plank 400m Run 4 Laddes: 2in 2out lateral 30 KB SDHP […]
7-2-15 Turbo Training
40:20 Format 40 sec of work, 20 sec of rest. No rest between rounds. 6 Rounds: Box Jumps DB Thruster KB Swings Push Up Jacks Jumping Pull Ups
7-2-15 CrossFit
Skill: Double Under Practice. If already proficient, 3×50 unbroken. WOD: 2 Rounds 25 Single Leg Box Jumps (Sc) 16/12 (Rx) 20/16 (Rx+) 24/20 25 Ring Dips 25 Wallballs (Sc) 14/10 (Rx) 20/14 (Rx+) 25 Double Unders 25 Toes 2 Bar 25 Burpees
7-1-15 Turbo Training
“Row Sprint 40’s” Work your way through the list below as fast as possible. But every 3 minutes, you must stop and row 250m. 40 Wallballs 40 Overbox Burpees 40 Push Ups w/ Rotation 40 Plank w/ DB Reach 40 KB RDL (Heavy) 40min Cap
7-1-16 CrossFit
Strength: Clean 5×2 WOD: 10>1. 30min Cap Power Clean (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 (Rx+) 135/95 Front Squat Push Press