Workout of the Day
5-29-15 Turbo Training
“Mix Bag” 7 min AMRAP 10 Over head walking Lunge w/ plate 10 Hollow Rocks 30 Jump Rope singles Rest 2 min 7 min EMOM 5 KB Clean and Press 5 Burpees Rest 2 min 7 min to complete 30 Pull Ups/Ring Rows 40 AbMat Sit Ups 50 Air Squats Then with no rest… Run […]
5-29-15 CrossFit
Skill: Muscle Up Practice WOD: “Nate” 20min AMRAP: 2 MU 4 HSPU 8 KB Swings (Sc) 44/32 (Rx) 70/53 Notes: Substitute for Muscle Ups is 3 pull ups and 3 ring dips per rep. The Hand Stand Push Up substitute is wall walks. If able to kick up and control ones self upside down, a […]
5-28-15 Turbo Training
New Format! “Laps and Ladders” Run 400m 4 lengths on the ladder: 2 in each w/ high knee 30 Broad Jumps 30 V-Ups Run 400m 4 lengths on the ladder: 2 in each lateral 30 Pike Push Ups 30ea Alt DB Row Run 400m 4 lengths on the ladder: 2 in 2 out linear 30 […]
5-28-15 CrossFit
20min to Complete 10 HSPU 20ea KB Rows 30 Kb Swings (Sc) 35/24 (Rx)44/35 (Rx+) 70/53 40 AbMat Sit Ups 50 DB Thrusters (Sc) 15/10 (Rx) 25/15 (Rx+) 35/35 Rest as needed. Then…. SPRINTS!! 5-10-15 yard Shuttle x8
5-27-15 Turbo Training
Descending Rounds Format 5 Rounds 10 DB Clean 10 DB Push Press 10 DB Plank Row 4 Rounds 10 Wallballs 10 Kickbacks on MB 10 MB Slams 3 Rounds 10 Step Ups 10 Push Ups on Box 10 Hollow Rocks 2 Rounds 10 Lateral Lunge 10 Burpees 10 Shotguns 1 Round Run 800m or Row […]
5-27-15 CrossFit
SuperSets! #1 4×3 Jerk 4×6 Tempo Push Up ( 4×6 Leg Raise w/ MB #2 4x5ea Step Ups 4x5ea DB/KB Strict Press 4×5 Strict Pull Up (weight if able)
5-22-15 Turbo Training
“Plank Party” 30 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of alternating side plank, then 15 seconds of rest. No rest between rounds. 6 Rounds Box Jumps KB Clean & Press Wallballs Jumping Pull Ups MB Sit Up Throws
5-22-15 CrossFit
“Air Force” 20 Thrusters (Sc) 75/55 (Rx) 95/65 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 20 Jerks 20 Overhead Squats 20 Front Squats You must complete 4 burpees at the top of every minute.
5-21-15 Turbo Training
20:20:20 Format #2 Perform each movement for 20 seconds. Perform 6 rounds of each movement set before moving on to the run. #1 DB Snatch, DB Push Press, Alt DB Row Run 400m Rest 2 min #2 Jumping Lunge, Shotguns, Air Squats Run 400m Rest 2 min #3 Lateral Lunge, Burpees, Planks Run 400m
5-21-15 CrossFit
Skill: Kipping/Butterfly Practice WOD: 3 Rounds 20 Pull Ups 20 KB Swings (35/24) (Rx) 44/35 (Rx+) 70/53 20 Sit Ups 20 Ring Dips 20 Air Squats 20 Burpees