6-5-15 CrossFit

Posted June 4, 2015

Max Day!
Thats right folks, today will be our very first true max out day. We will be maxing out our Snatch, and Clean & Jerk.

Training Age: If you have been weightlifting (olympic style) with us or at another gym for:

More than 1 year: you will establish you 1 rep max (1RM) for both lifts.
More than 6 months but less than one year: 2RM for both lifts.
Less that 6 months: 3RM.

Rest as needed between sets. We are just looking to test how strong you have gotten! Enjoy!

A true max assumes a reasonable level of technical proficiency. The coaches will have the final say here. If we hold you back it is for your own good, I promise. Enjoy!