4-6-16 CrossFit
Posted April 6, 2015
Strength: Snatch 5×3
Partner WOD: 20min AMRAP
x2 1 Power Snatch + 5 OH Squats
x30 6in Burpees
>8 Partner Russian Twists Pyramid
x30 KB Swings (Sc) 35/24 (Rx) 44/35 (Rx+) 70/53
NOTES: Partners must split the work 50/50. Only 1 Partner working at a time unless specifically called for. If any of the 5 OH Squat’s a missed, none of them count and must be redone. During the Russian Twist Pyramid, both partners’ feet must stay off the ground the whole time. If either stops to rest, none of it counts and must be redone….
You’re welcome.